Physiotherapy, is an allied health profession that makes use of bio – mechanics or kinesiology, manual therapy, exercise therapy and electrotherapy, to help patients restore, maintain and increase their physical mobility, strength and function.

Physiotherapists are better able to help patients regain mobility, as they have a better understanding of how the body works and are trained in clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat disabilities. Physiotherapists can help patients recover from injuries and disabilities ranging from back pain, neck pain, knees pain to ligament issues.

Physiotherapy also helps in the rehabilitation of patients suffering from Parkinson’s, Paralysis, Back pain, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy, Respiratory Problems and post surgical rehab also. Furthermore, physiotherapists can heal both chronic and acute problems by treating patients at home.

It’s a good practice to keep a check on your health. Regular health check-ups are essential for children and the elderly. Call a Pixie Health doctor at home and stay rest assured about your family’s health.

  •  Enables convenience
  •  Provides personalized care
  •  Brings about a faster healing process
  •  No mobility issues
  •  Better time management
  •  Cost effective
  •  Family support and supervision

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